May 26, 2017

Technical Services

Chain Mail Glove Repairs​

We have a dedicated and highly skilled team repairing our stainless steel chainmail gloves. The combination of our advanced workmanship and the high-quality original links that we use, ensures that we are the only company in South Africa that repairs chainmail gloves to their original condition. Market research has shown that our competitors merely replace broken links with old links removed from the glove’s cuff.

As our team is highly experienced, we furthermore offer an unmatched lead-time on our glove repairs. With our quality control procedure, we carefully inspect each glove to ensure that they meet the high standard of ATK Products.

Having your gloves repaired by us would mean:
  • Better safety for your operators as original quality links are used.
  • Increased food-safety as the chance of broken links ending up in the product is  reduced.
  • Greater cost-effectiveness and increased production time as gloves have to be repaired less often


We offer back-up support on all of our equipment and carry spares. Thanks to our suppliers we also offer a speedy turn-around in spares that are not commonly required.

We have highly trained technicians who operate country wide on our team. Our sales force are also equipped to deal with all major technical issues, thus ensuring that we you get the best technical assistance from us.